Hallo, Daar kan u de APK bestanden gratis downloaden "Meditation Music" voor Android, APK bestandsversie is 6.9 om te downloaden op uw Android apparaat hoeft U enkel op deze knop te klikken. Gemakkelijk en gegarandeerd. We bieden enkel originele APK bestanden aan. Indien één van de producten op deze site uw rechten schendt, rapporteer dit dan
Meditation music is a free meditation app to relax the body and mind. Enjoy listening to the beautiful meditation sounds that will aid you in finding inner peace, helping reduce stress and even to fall asleep. This meditation music app also comes with a meditation timer to allow for easy time management so you can solely focus on your guided journey into a deep meditation state of mind. The timer will continue to work in the background while the phone screen is off or pause itself when a call is being received. Included with these relaxing sounds are background pictures that capture a calm atmosphere for your meditation needs--ranging from waterfalls to zen gardens. Finally, a playlist feature that allows you to choose which songs you would like to hear and for how long. You can create a different playlists for sleep, yoga, to relax and more. On top of this there's the ability to add your own songs from your phone to be added in the playlists.
- Meditatiegeluid van hoge kwaliteit
- Timer die past bij de gewenste meditatieduur
- Prachtige natuurachtergronden
- Afspeellijstfunctionaliteit
- Installatiemogelijkheid voor SD-kaarten
- Onderbreekt inkomende telefoongesprekken niet
- Kan worden aangesloten op een extern stereosysteem
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